Privates with Alex Anthony

Building stronger dancers for the future


Packages offered


This package includes 30 minutes of pure stretching. Throughout this intense session, the dancer will undergo several exercises that will increase their mobility & strength.

Core & Stability

This package includes 30 minutes of core & stability exercises. Maintaining a strong abdominal wall, will increase balance, posture, turns & jumps. Dancer will undergo numerous advanced conditioning exercises in order to improve & strengthen their body.

Turns & Jumps

This package includes 30 minutes of high intensity cardio. The session is meant for dancers that need to strengthen their muscles that are necessary for jumps & turns. Other vigurous exercises will be implemented to advance their stability for balancing as well.

Transitions & Technique

This package includes 30 minutes of several approaches. The dancer will undergo advanced technique exercises as well as across the floor fluidity variations. These combos are meant to enhance the dancers movement quality as they pass through each step. In addition, technical exercises will be implemented during the session.